Monday, October 29, 2007

Back Home

Well I survived Ft. Jackson once again thanks to Rich Hagan and 1st platoon! This trip was good for me because of the camaraderie and shared passion for Christ in this class. But needless to say I am glad to be home in Texas. Started a series on Ezra yesterday and started teaching Evangelism 101 last night. Both services were great especially yesterday morning, the praise team did awesome! Hopefully now we can settle in and start visiting every home in New Boston!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I am now at Ft. Jackson for the completion of phase 1 training. I only have until Friday to be here but I am tired and I miss the family. Tomorrow is a KILLER run day, so pray for rain! It has been a good phase with a good class. I have learned allot at this school about myself and about ministry. We had a Dr. from the Marine Collage come speak to us about Islam and the Iraqi people. She is a very conservative Christian and had spent time with the Iraqi people. We can translate the Koran however we want to just as Muslim interpret the Bible however they want to. But the reality is that a Muslim who goes by the Koran will not be a terrorist. They will just be wrong! What we have in Iraq is a group of people who just check the box. Do we not do the same as Christians? We can check the box and say we are Christians but do we really go by the book? Is there something we do that is contrary to who we say we are? If so why do we do it? For what reason? And is that reason good enough? It is time that I take a deep look at myself and not people around me. I pray that I will be more than a box checker.

Monday, October 8, 2007

1st Texas Sunday

Yesterday was my first Sunday at Faith as a resident Texan. Numbers were up from 115 to 154 in morning worship and from the low 70s to 88 in Sunday School. I know when a pastor first comes to town numbers go up because people want to see what tricks the new monkey can do. But it doesn't matter to me, just happy to be here. I can't describe Faith other than to say there is freedom here. Freedom to preach and be heard, freedom to shout, raise your hands, clap or worship anyway that you are led. This is a very different Baptist church to say the least. I have come to a point were I don't feel obligated to try the newest thing to make the church better, this church will make me better. Shouldn't that be the goal of a church with a new/young pastor; make him better so that he can lead better? I am glad it is this way in New Boston. For those of you who say "wait till the honeymoon is over" stop hating and start praying, it will do both you and me some good!